




临界髋关节发育不良Borderline DDH (5):MRI上的股骨骨骺髋臼顶指数(FEAR)测量

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临界髋关节发育不良Borderline DDH (5):MRI上的股骨骨骺髋臼顶指数(FEAR)测量是否预测临界髋关节发育不良的不稳定性?

作者:Cécile Batailler, Jan Weidner, Michael Wyatt, Dominik Pfluger, Martin Beck

作者单位: CHU Lyon Croix-Rousse, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France.












有时,FEAR指数很难在X线片上测量。事实上,骨骺瘢痕的界限有时很难确定,并可能导致测量误差。因此,我们评估了FEAR指数的可靠性,并由两名独立观察员进行评估。在我们的研究和Wyatt等的研究中,X线片和MRI FEAR指数表现出极好的观察者间和观察者内可靠性,并且被证明优于AI或LCEA。FEAR指数的假阳性或阴性率主要是由于在某些情况下难以进行测量。MRI是一种非常准确的检查,尤其是带有放射状切口的MR关节造影,这是目前评估原生髋关节关节内病变的最佳术前成像研究。骨骺瘢痕在MRI上很容易被看到,这似乎是提高该参数灵敏度的有希望的途径。然而,我们的研究表明,MRI的可靠性和灵敏度低于普通的放射学测量。可以提出几种解释。在X线片上,骺板瘢痕代表每个额叶切片的不同骺板瘢痕的平均值,因此也代表生长过程中作用于整个股骨头的力量平衡的平均值。对于MRI上的FEAR指数,为了获得一个简单可靠的指数,我们选择仅在一个图像切片上测量FEAR指数。增加测量次数会增加出错的风险。与静态X线片相比,3D MRI重建的准确性会降低。然而,根据所选的额叶切片,骺板瘢痕的形状在各个切片之间可能有所不同,并且骺板瘢痕的方向可能会发生几度的变化。髋臼也可能出现同样的问题,因为它可能会根据与髋臼窝的距离而发生显著变化。此外,Wyatt等指出,FEAR指数代表髋关节的力量平衡。仅使用股骨头中部骨骺瘢痕的轴线主要考虑股骨头上部和顶部之间施加的力量。如果患者因不稳定而出现股骨头轻微半脱位,则矢状图上位于髋臼12点钟位置的切片与位于股骨头12点钟位置的切片不同(图4)。因此,骨骺瘢痕中央部分的测量可能不正确。股骨旋转或外展可能引起的变化与X线片相同。


总之,MRI上测量的FEAR指数不如X线片上测量的FEAR指数可靠。此外,与MRI相比,FEA 指数是X线片上不稳定性的更好的预测指标。放射学FEAR指数的2°截止值预测髋关节稳定性的概率为90%。放射学FEAR指数是辅助复杂髋关节不稳定诊断的可靠参数。需要前瞻性评估该测量值以预测渐进性不稳定。



Fig 1 a) Anteroposterior pelvic radiograph and b) hip MRI in frontal and sagittal views with a positive Femoro-Epiphyseal Acetabular Roof (FEAR) index (angle between the physeal scar and the sclerosis of the sourcil) for a patient with a borderline dysplastic hip (lateral centre-edge angle = 17.2°, acetabular index = 12.6°) treated with periacetabular osteotomy.

图1 a)前后位骨盆X线片和b)髋关节正位和矢状位MRI,股骨-骨骺髋臼顶(FEAR)指数(骨骺瘢痕与髋臼硬化之间的角度)为阳性,适用于接受髋臼周围截骨术治疗的临界髋关节发育不良患者(外侧中心边缘角 = 17.2°,髋臼指数 = 12.6°)。


Fig 2 a) Anteroposterior pelvic radiograph and b) hip MRI in frontal and sagittal views with a negative Femoro-Epiphyseal Acetabular Roof (FEAR) index (angle between the physeal scar and the sclerosis of the sourcil) for a patient with a borderline dysplastic hip (lateral centre-edge angle = 24°, acetabular index = 9°) treated with impingement surgery.

图2 a)前后位骨盆X线片和b)髋关节正面和矢状面MRI,股骨-骨骺髋臼顶(FEAR)指数(骨骺瘢痕与髋臼硬化之间的角度)为阴性,适用于接受撞击手术治疗的临界髋关节发育不良患者(外侧中心边缘角 = 24°,髋臼指数 = 9°)。


Fig 3 Boxplots of a) the radiological Femoro-Epiphyseal Acetabular Roof (FEAR) index and b) the FEAR index on MRI, comparing all three groups. The boxplots are constituted of several data. The median (middle quartile) marks the mid-point of the data and is shown by the line that divides the box into two parts. The middle box represents the middle 50% of scores for the group, delineated by the lower and the upper quartiles. The upper and lower whiskers represent the highest and lowest value excluding outliers. The triangular plot points are the outliers or the extremes.

图3 箱线图,a)放射学股骨-骨骺髋臼顶(FEAR)指数和b) MRI上的FEAR指数,比较所有三组。箱线图由多个数据组成。中位数(中间四分位数)标记数据的中点,由将箱子分成两部分的线表示。中间框代表该组中间50%的分数,由下四分位数和上四分位数划定。上下顶部代表不包括异常值的最高值和最低值。三角形图点是异常值或极值。


Fig 4 MRI in sagittal and frontal view of a borderline dysplastic hip. The frontal slide is located at 12 o’clock on the acetabulum on the sagittal view. This did not correspond to the 12 o’clock position of the femoral head, due to small subluxation of the femoral head.

图4 临界髋关节发育不良的矢状位和正位MRI。正面滑动位于矢状位上髋臼的12点钟位置。由于股骨头有轻微的半脱位,这与股骨头的12点钟位置不符。

Femoral osteotomy for osteonecrosis of the femoral head


Aims: A borderline dysplastic hip can behave as either stable or unstable and this makes surgical decision making challenging. While an unstable hip may be best treated by acetabular reorientation, stable hips can be treated arthroscopically. Several imaging parameters can help to identify the appropriate treatment, including the Femoro-Epiphyseal Acetabular Roof (FEAR) index, measured on plain radiographs. The aim of this study was to assess the reliability and the sensitivity of FEAR index on MRI compared with its radiological measurement.

Patients and methods: The technique of measuring the FEAR index on MRI was defined and its reliability validated. A retrospective study assessed three groups of 20 patients: an unstable group of ‘borderline dysplastic hips‘ with lateral centre edge angle (LCEA) less than 25° treated successfully by periacetabular osteotomy; a stable group of ‘borderline dysplastic hips‘ with LCEA less than 25° treated successfully by impingement surgery; and an asymptomatic control group with LCEA between 25° and 35°. The following measurements were performed on both standardized radiographs and on MRI: LCEA, acetabular index, femoral anteversion, and FEAR index.

Results: The FEAR index showed excellent intraobserver and interobserver reliability on both MRI and radiographs. The FEAR index was more reliable on radiographs than on MRI. The FEAR index on MRI was lower in the stable borderline group (mean -4.2° (sd 9.1°)) compared with the unstable borderline group (mean 7.9° (sd 6.8°)). With a FEAR index cut-off value of 2°, 90% of patients were correctly identified as stable or unstable using the radiological FEAR index, compared with 82.5% using the FEAR index on MRI. The FEAR index was a better predictor of instability on plain radiographs than on MRI.

Conclusion: The FEAR index measured on MRI is less reliable and less sensitive than the FEAR index measured on radiographs. The cut-off value of 2° for radiological FEAR index predicted hip stability with 90% probability. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2019;101-B:1578-1584.


The main result of this study is that the FEAR index is measured with greater sensitivity and reliability on plain pelvic radiographs than on MRI. Differentiating a stable versus unstable hip can be challenging when the LCEA is between 20° and 25°. Deciding upon a particular surgical treatment depends principally on the stability or instability of the hip.5-7 Improving the diagnosis by new imaging signs is not only interesting but is also essential.

As arthroscopy practice has advanced, the proportion of patients undergoing a subsequent PAO for the correction of symptomatic acetabular dysplasia following a failed ipsilateral arthroscopic hip procedure, has increased by 1.92-fold from 2008 to 2015.8 Surgical options for patients with a borderline dysplastic hip include arthroscopic labral repair with capsular closure/plication, and sometimes with cam resection, or PAO with or without concomitant labral repair/cam resection. The treatment chosen is influenced by multiple factors including patient age, patient preference, and especially whether the surgeon believes the hip is unstable or not.10 The risk of hip arthroscopy in the setting of inadequate bone coverage is persistent pain due to instability, hip dislocation, or arthritic progression of the joint.18 This must be balanced with the risk of complications with PAO, even when performed by experienced surgeons, and lower incremental clinical improvement in patients with mild dysplasia. There are report cases of failure of hip preservation surgery on borderline hips, because determination of an unstable or stable hip can be difficult and may lead to incorrect treatment.8,19-21 If potential FAI is found concurrently with hip dysplasia then inappropriate impingement surgery, without attention to the dysplasia, can increase the symptoms from instability. Stringent criteria for patient selection are needed to consider hip arthroscopy for borderline dysplastic hips.22,23 A recent review, on 1368 hip arthroscopies on acetabular dysplasia, found that the isolated use of hip arthroscopy may be considered in some defined and selected cases of borderline acetabular dysplasia, when careful attention is paid to labral and capsular preservation.24 However, many studies have described poor clinical outcomes and the risk of iatrogenic instability, if the dysplasia is moderate or severe, and if the patient selection is not very restricted.24

Stability of the hip is classically assessed by using the LCEA;18 nevertheless, this measurement alone is insufficient for borderline hip and the use of other assessment parameters is required. Some radiological or MRI parameters are directly due to femoral head migration and are therefore highly indicative of hip instability, such as an increase of the distance from the ilioischial line, a break in Shenton’s line, or the presence of Gadolinium in the posteroinferior joint space.24 Other radiological or MRI signs can be present in unstable hip but are less predictive, such as LCEA between 20° and 25°, AI greater than 10°, coxa valga, femoral anteversion, or increased labral volume. Other parameters assess the severity of hip dysplasia, in particular for the implementation of total hip arthroplasty.25 The radiological FEAR index, described by Wyatt et al,13 represents the resultant of the forces across the proximal femoral physis during hip growth. This index reflects the functional behaviour (stable or unstable) of the hip during growth. Wyatt et al13 reported that if a patient presents with hip pain and borderline dysplasia (defined as a LCEA 20° to 25°), a radiological FEAR index less than 5° indicates an 80% probability that the hip is stable. The reliability of the FEAR index was excellent and at least as good as the reliability of LCEA or AI. The superiority of the FEAR index compared with LCEA may be because of difficulty in defining the edge of the acetabular sourcil, as has been alluded to.26 In this study, a cut-off value of 2° for radiological FEAR index predicts stability, with 90% of patients correctly identified as stable or unstable. With the wider use of this measurement on radiographs for borderline dysplastic hip, normal and cut-off values are becoming better defined.

Occasionally, the FEAR index is difficult to measure on radiographs. Indeed, the limits of the physeal scar are sometimes hard to determine and can lead to measurements errors. Accordingly, we assessed the reliability of the FEAR index was assessed with two independent observers. The radiographic and MRI FEAR indices showed excellent inter- and intraobserver reliability in our study and in the study by Wyatt et al,13 and was shown to be superior to the AI or LCEA. The false positive or negative rates of the FEAR index are mainly due to the difficulty in taking measurements in some cases. The MRI is a very accurate investigation, particularly the MR arthrogram with radial cuts, which is presently the best available preoperative imaging study to evaluate intra-articular lesions of native hip.27-30 The physeal scar is easily visualized on MRI and it seemed a promising route to improve the sensitivity of this parameter. Nevertheless, our study has demonstrated that MRI is less reliable and less sensitive than plain radiological measurement. Several explanations can be proposed. On radiographs, the physeal scar represents a mean of different physeal scars of each frontal slice, and thus a mean of the balance of forces acting on the whole femoral head during growth. For the FEAR index on MRI, in order to obtain an easy and reliable index, we have chosen to measure the FEAR index on only one image slice. Increasing the number of measurements increases the risk of errors. MRI reconstruction in 3D loses accuracy compared with a static radiograph. However, according to the chosen frontal slice, the shape of the physeal scar can vary between slices and the orientation of the physeal scar can change by several degrees. The same problem can arise for the acetabular sourcil, which can change markedly according to the distance to the acetabular fossa. Additionally, Wyatt et al13 stated that the FEAR index represents the balance of forces on the hip. Using only the axis of the physeal scar in the middle of the femoral head mainly considers the forces exerted between the superior part of the femoral head and the superior part of the roof. If the patient has a small subluxation of the femoral head due to instability, the slice located at 12 o’clock on the acetabulum on the sagittal view is not the same as the slide located at 12 o’clock on the femoral head (Fig. 4). Thus, the measure of the central part of the physeal scar can be incorrect. The variations potentially induced by the femoral rotation or abduction are the same as with radiographs.

Our study has some limitations. First, the number of patients included was low, without possible matching of some parameters (LCEA, sex). Nevertheless, patients with symptomatic borderline hips are uncommon and complete imaging examinations were necessary to compare radiographs and MRI. The instability was determined by several factors and by the evolution of symptoms after the surgery. Thus, this diagnosis was performed on an association of parameters and constitute a functional definition of instability. This study was retrospective, and thus allows us to show associations but not to make predictions. Moreover, some parameters were not assessed, such as the generalized ligamentous laxity, muscular conditioning, or body mass index. The follow-up of two years may seem too short. However, a poor result usually is suspected within three to six months, when rehabilitation is not progressing. In contrast, after one to 1.5 years the hip has usually reached a steady state concerning function and pain. Therefore, a two-year limit seems rational, although a longer follow-up might be preferred.

In conclusion, the FEAR index measured on MRI is less reliable than the FEAR index measured on plain radiographs. Moreover, the FEAR index is a better predictor of instability on plain radiographs compared with MRI. The cut-off value of 2° for the radiological FEAR index predicted hip stability with 90% probability. This radiological FEAR index constitutes a reliable parameter to aid the complex diagnosis of hip instability. This measurement needs to be assessed prospectively for the prediction of progressive instability.

文献出处:Cécile Batailler, Jan Weidner, Michael Wyatt, Dominik Pfluger, Martin Beck. Is the Femoro-Epiphyseal Acetabular Roof (FEAR) index on MRI a relevant predictive factor of instability in a borderline dysplastic hip? Bone Joint J. 2019 Dec;101-B(12):1578-1584. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.101B12.BJJ-2019-0502.R1.


