发表者:陶可 人已读
作者:Juergen Bruns, Mathias Werner, Christian Habermann.
作者单位: Orthopedic Surgery, Krankenhaus “Gro?-Sand“, Hamburg, Germany.
表1. 剥脱性骨软骨炎(OCD)流行病学
表2. 剥脱性骨软骨炎(OCD)的致病因素
病因因素 膝关节
主要位置 股骨内外侧髁
创伤 ++
轻微创伤 +++
遗传学因素 +
感染 +
血管病变 +
行走步态 股骨内侧髁:内翻畸形
代谢因素 +++
证据等级:++++ =非常高; +++ =高;++ = 临床观察;+ =假设。
Figure 1. (a) Histology of an advanced osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) lesion (knee joint, toluidine blue) showing a partially loosened “joint mouse” with a broad cleft (arrow) between the partial loose body (top) and the normal subchondral bone (bottom). In the lesion, subchondral bone cysts are visible (C) and necrotic areas (N). (b) Magnification of fig, 1a: The lesion exhibits an area of osteonecrosis (white arrow), subchondral bone cysts (black arrow), and in the “mouse bed,” the sublesional bone a thickened osteoid layer as a sign of enlarged endostal activity (arrowheads).
Table 3 presents the OCD classification schemes.
表 3 展示了剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD的分类方案。
总体原则(适合多个不同的关节) 膝关节(特定的)
ICRS分类法(关节镜) Arcq:3个放射学阶段
第一阶段(I期):病变稳定,关节完整,软骨软化 Rodegerdts和Gleissner:5个放射学阶段
第一阶段(I期):没有变化 骨挫伤,骨髓水肿
第二阶段(II期):局部硬化 骨溶解与骨硬化并存
第三阶段(III期):部分剥离 部分剥离,软骨下积液
第四阶段(IV期):完全剥离 完全剥离、缺损,游离体、关节鼠
骨扫描 骨扫描
骨骺愈合或未愈合 骨骺愈合或未愈合
关节镜检查 关节镜检查
稳定性 稳定或不稳定
CT =计算机断层扫描;ICRS =国际软骨维修协会;MRI =磁共振成像
表4. (剥脱性骨软骨炎发生)部位方案
A = Blumensaat线的前部,
B = Blumensaat线的后部
C =最后1/3部
Figure 2. X-ray of the knee. Anterior-posterior view showing an osteochondritis dissecans lesion at the typical location (medial condyle), black arrows indicate stage IV with an empty lacuna. The loose body is not visible.
图2. 膝关节的X线片。前后视图显示典型位置(内侧髁)的剥脱性骨软骨炎病变,黑色箭头指示IV期带缺损区域,未见游离体。
Figure 3. (a) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (proton density fat saturation) of the same knee joint exhibiting the empty lacuna at the medial condyle (dotted white arrows) and the loose body located at the lateral recessus (white arrows), coronal plane. (b) MRI (proton density fat saturation) of the same knee joint exhibiting the empty lacuna at the medial condyle (dotted white arrows) and the loose body located at the lateral recessus (white arrows), sagittal plane.
图3. (a)同一膝关节的磁共振成像(MRI),该膝关节在内侧髁(白色箭头指示)和位于外侧凹处(白色箭头)的游离体(白色箭头)上表现出空的空隙(白色箭头),冠状位。(b)同一膝关节的MRI在内侧髁出现的空隙(白色箭头指示)和位于外侧凹处(白色箭头)的游离体,矢状位。
表5. (剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD)治疗选项(参考文献请见文中)
总体原则(适合多个不同的关节) 膝关节(特定的)
青少年剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD 保守 保守
成人剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD 保守 保守
青少年剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD 保守、钻孔减压 保守、钻孔减压
成人剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD 保守、钻孔减压 保守、钻孔减压
+ 成人剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD
(病灶清除术),REFIX,MFX, (病灶清除术),REFIX,MFX,
骨组织 +细胞 骨组织 +细胞
+ 成人剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD
(病灶清除术,REFIX,MFX), (病灶清除术,REFIX,MFX),
骨组织 +细胞 骨组织 +细胞
ACI =自体软骨细胞植入;AMIC =自体基质诱导的软骨再生; AOCD =成年剥脱性骨软骨炎;BMS =骨髓刺激; JOCD =青少年剥脱性骨软骨炎;MFX =微骨折术;MOPLA =马赛克镶嵌成形术; OAT =骨软骨自体移植术; REFIX = 重锚定术。
Figure 4. Example of a refixated loose body in the medial condyle of the knee. Prior to the refixation, the subchondral sclerosis had been removed, cancellous bone taken from the iliac crest transplanted into the defect, followed by the refixation using fibrin glue (Tissucol, Baxter, Unterschlei?heim, Germany) and resorbable pins (Ethipin, Ethicon, Hamburg, Germany).
图4. 膝关节内侧髁重新固定的病例。在重新固定之前,已去除软骨下硬化组织,将取自髂嵴的松质骨移植到骨缺损处,然后使用纤维蛋白胶(Tissucol,Baxter,Unterschlei?heim,Germany)和可吸收针固定(Ethipin,Ethicon,Hamburg,德国)。
Figure 5. Adult osteochondritis dissecans (AOCD) stage IV lesion at the medial condyle of the knee with already visible secondary arthritic changes treated with 5 osteochondral plugs implanted as a mosaicplasty with small clefts between the plugs.
图 5. 膝关节内侧髁的成人剥脱性骨软骨炎(AOCD) IV期病变,已经可见的继发性骨关节炎变化,用 5 个骨软骨移植柱行镶嵌成形术植入治疗,在移植柱之间有小裂缝。
Figure 6. Adult osteochondritis dissecans (AOCD) stage-IV lesion at the lateral femoral condyle treated with removal of the subchondral sclerosis, transplantation of cancellous bone taken from the iliac crest and implantation of an autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) of the second generation using a gel as carrier for the chondrocytes (CaReS, Arthro Kinetics, Bebenhausen, Germany).
图 6. 通过去除软骨下硬化组织、移植取自髂嵴的松质骨和植入载有第2代自体软骨细胞的凝胶植入物(ACI)治疗股骨外侧髁的成人剥脱性骨软骨炎(AOCD) IV期病变(CaReS,Arthro Kinetics,Bebenhausen,Germany)。
剥脱性骨软骨炎(OCD)是骨骼未成熟和成年患者膝关节疾病的常见原因,当一小块软骨下骨由于局部血液供应障碍而开始与其周围区域分离时,就会发生这种情况。最后,这一小块骨头和覆盖它的软骨可能会开始破裂并(从关节表面上)脱落。正如之前假设的那样,Ambroise Paré(而不是Paget)是第一个(在1870年)描述在关节中发现的这种关节游离体的人。关节游离体形成的3种可能原因:
剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD的确切患病率尚不清楚,但据报道,每100000人中有15至29人。Kessler等已经表明,6至19岁患者膝关节剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD的发病率为每100000人中有9.5人,而男性和女性患者分别为每100000人15.4和3.3(表 1)。12至19岁的患者占剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD的大多数,其发病率为每100000人11.2人,而6至11岁的患者为每100000人6.8人。总之,与女性患者相比,男性患者的剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD发生率更高,发生剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD的风险几乎是女性患者的4倍。
可以将剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD的病因分为4种不同的可能原因:外伤性、缺血性、遗传性和特发性(表 2)。然而,多因素病因是最可能的原因。
持续的自然病程以放射学可检测到的硬化环为特征,将病变与周围健康骨质区分开来。病变中心被认为是骨坏死(参见“剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD 组织学”部分)。在这个阶段,在MRI和计算机断层扫描(CT)等成像技术中,软骨似乎仍然完好无损。
第 4 阶段(IV期)
Chiroff和Cooke在分离水平和游离体的骨组织部分检测到纤维软骨组织,发现在几乎正常的软骨下成骨细胞和溶骨活性增加。此外,Milgram在一半的游离体中没有发现骨组织。Koch等分析了来自16至44岁患有晚期剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD的患者的30份标本,并观察到软骨中PH 1的甲苯胺染色减少。在软骨下骨板和松质骨中可以看到软骨细胞数量减少以及骨折改变。此外,他们发现骨吸收增强和被脂肪骨髓包围的软骨下骨坏死区域。
怀疑剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD病变时的最初诊断计划是从2个X线片检查开始。标准系列包括站立前后位(AP)视图(图 2)、膝关节屈曲35°的侧视图和45°髌骨轴位(sunrise切线位)视图。其他特殊X线视图可能很有用,例如tunnel视图,使病变区域与成像平面更加一致。
磁共振成像MRI是成像检查中第二步的首选方法(图 3a 和 b)。由于MRI系统的可用性在过去10年中有所增加,无辐射、更高场强(1.5和3T)的突然发展、专用线圈设置和高分辨率序列为MRI的发展节省了道路在肌肉骨骼成像中。常规MR方法在所有3个空间方向上使用T1和T2加权图像。最大切片厚度应为3mm,检测距骨骨软骨缺损的灵敏度为96%(特异性0.96)。
第 2 阶段(II期):关节软骨破裂,碎片后面的低信号边缘表明有纤维附着。
第 3 阶段(III期):关节软骨破裂,碎片后面的高信号变化,表明碎片和下面的骨组织之间有滑液填充
为了改进评估(结果),还可以通过在检查前,将gadolinium钆MR对比材料注入检查关节来进行MRI扫描。这样的dGemeric MRI提供了有关矩阵质量的信息。使用T2加权序列,高信号线或骨软骨病变下方的囊肿的存在表明存在液体并表明存在不稳定的骨软骨缺损,即使该信号可以反映代表愈合反应的血管肉芽组织。质子密度图像和具有脂肪饱和度的三维T1加权序列使用低于1毫米的各向像素(isotropic voxels),具有专用视野(14-20厘米)和静脉造影剂,可提供出色的图像印象,还可以区分细微的变化。使用在这些序列中,MRI在检测甚至不稳定的骨软骨病变方面提供了出色的诊断能力。因此,评估骨软骨病变不需要常规的关节内给药。
在日常临床常规中,可以使用1.5- 和3-T系统。比较两个系统上的专用线圈设置,使用更高场强(3-T系统)的图像印象可能更好。然而,尚未证明3-T系统对软骨病变能提供更好的诊断结果。
Cahill和 Berg开发了一种用于评估青少年剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD患者的闪烁显像结果的分类标准:
① 0期.正常的射线照相和闪烁照相外观。
② 1期. 病灶在平片上可见,但骨扫描显示正常。
③ 2期. 扫描显示病变区域的摄取增加。
④ 3期. 此外,整个股骨髁的同位素摄取增加。
⑤ 4期. 此外,病变对面的胫骨平台有摄取。
对于青少年剥脱性骨软骨炎JOCD和成人剥脱性骨软骨炎AOCD,采用保守治疗或手术方法的适应症取决于骨软骨碎片的稳定性(表 5)。然而,什么是稳定病变?Wall等指出“稳定的剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD被定义为关节或软骨下骨损伤界面没有破裂。”Trinh 等意识到他们的审查包含对稳定或不稳定病变的不同定义,并将其改编为De Smet 等使用的定义:
在最近发表的一项针对42名青少年剥脱性骨软骨炎JOCD患者的回顾性研究中,三分之二 (66%) 的稳定病变在石膏固定初始治疗后愈合,随后进行支撑和活动限制长达6个月。然而,作者在34%的患者中经历了治疗失败。大的病灶比较小的病灶(相对和绝对)明显治疗结果更糟,但所有的外侧病灶都愈合了。
令人感兴趣的是一项欧洲多中心研究,迄今为止患者人数最多(452名患者,509个膝关节)。在最少随访1年的452名患者中,他们将A组276名骺板未闭合患者(例如,14岁以下的男性和13岁以下的女性)与B组所谓的“早熟”患者区分开来,例如男性14岁以上,女性13岁以上。共有154名患者接受了保守治疗,355名患者需要手术。A组患者的结果明显好于B组。情况良好的患者(无肉眼解剖,大小 < 20 cm2)明显优于已经可检测到的患者(所谓的“不利条件”)。与没有石膏的治疗相比,石膏的应用不影响保守治疗的结果(正常和接近正常的膝关节分别为69.2% 和 72%)。相比之下,与手术治疗(33.1% 的膝关节异常)相比,那些状况不佳的患者在保守治疗(44%的膝关节异常)后的结果明显更差。
国际软骨修复协会ICRS剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD 0期:稳定、正常、完整的覆盖软骨;
国际软骨修复协会ICRS剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD I:稳定,有连续但软化的区域,软骨完整;
国际软骨修复协会ICRS剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD II:稳定但有部分不连续;
国际软骨修复协会ICRS剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD III:完全不连续的原位病变;
国际软骨修复协会ICRS剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD IV:有脱位或游离碎片的骨软骨缺损。
关于在成人剥脱性骨软骨炎AOCD中,钻孔治疗稳定病灶几乎一无所知。不稳定的成人剥脱性骨软骨炎AOCD病变大多通过手术治疗。几年来,在软骨层受损的情况下,建议去除脱落的软骨或骨软骨碎片,可能与清创手术相结合。然而,如今,由于结果不佳,已不再这样做,骨关节炎(OA)变化率高达71%。由于这些原因,建议尽可能对部分或完全脱落的游离体进行碎片重新固定(参见图 4 中的示例)。组织学上,这些碎片主要包含有生存活力的软骨。将碎片重新固定与软骨下骨钻孔相结合,建议对软骨下骨硬化区穿孔,或去除硬化骨,然后进行松质骨移植,然后进行碎片重新固定。
对骨软骨移植技术文献的概述表明,尽管存在很大差异,但许多论文并未区分骨软骨移植术OAT和镶嵌成形术。与最初的骨软骨移植术OAT技术相比,在2项研究中,镶嵌成形术填充的缺损仅包含60%至70%的透明软骨(参见图 5 中的示例)。其余 (30%-49%)是纤维软骨组织。命名法的不同使用使得精确比较变得困难。
为数不多的I级文章之一在 18 岁以下的青少年剥脱性骨软骨炎JOCD 患者中比较了微骨折MFX与镶嵌成形术的修复结果。虽然术后长达1年随访,两种技术之间没有显着差异,但在4.2年后的第二次随访中,微骨折MFX患者表现出显着恶化(41%失败),而接受镶嵌成形术治疗的患者保持稳定,91%的结果优秀或良好。
自体软骨细胞移植ACI的科学情况与骨软骨移植OAT/mosaicplasty或碎片修复相同。只有少数I级和II级研究。Peterson等报道了58名剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD患者、35名青少年剥脱性骨软骨炎JOCD患者和23名成人剥脱性骨软骨炎AOCD患者的成功治疗。 平均随访5.6年后,91%的患者总体结果良好或优异;93%的人报告了自我评估的改善。
另一项IV级研究在40名青少年剥脱性骨软骨炎JOCD患者中报告了类似的结果。经典自体软骨细胞移植ACI治疗后80%的患者随访成功率为85%,失败率为19%。 Ferruzzi 等比较了通过关节切开术(n = 48)与使用细胞种子基质的关节镜手术 (n = 50)进行的自体软骨细胞移植ACI。25名患者患有剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD。他们观察到两组都有显着改善,但开放手术后的失败率为19%,明显高于关节镜技术后的失败率(4%)。此外,他们注意到关节镜介导的治疗后康复更快。
一项对80名患者进行的I级研究比较了自体软骨细胞移植ACI(n = 40)和微骨折MFX(n = 40),包括65%的创伤性病变、28%的OCD病变和7%的未明确诊断的患者,显示两组之间没有显着差异。在2年和5年的随访中,每组报告的成功率为77%,失败率为23%。
Bentley等对自体软骨细胞移植ACI与镶嵌成形术进行了两次比较。第一次在2003年,平均随访时间为1.7年,第二次在2012年,最短随访时间为10年。在第一次随访中,42名镶嵌成形术患者中有9名(21%)表现出优异的结果,而自体软骨细胞移植ACI组58名患者中有23名(40%)表现出优异的结果。此外,镶嵌成形术患者的不良结果率(17%)明显高于自体软骨细胞移植ACI组(0%)。术后1年的关节镜检查显示自体软骨细胞移植ACI后82%的修复良好或良好。在马赛克成形术后,34% 的人有良好的结果,没有“优秀”的结果。在至少10年的随访中,58名自体软骨细胞移植ACI患者中有10名(17%)和镶嵌成形术组42名中的23名(55%)修复失败。
假设无法追踪患者的移植物是完整的(“最佳情况”),失访患者的移植物不完整(“最坏情况”),比较Kaplan-Meier 曲线显示自体软骨细胞移植ACI后的结果明显优于镶嵌成形术后的结果。马赛克成形术后的结果在术后约2年开始恶化。
Basad 等分析了两步手术的结果,该手术使用双层技术在细胞接种支架手术之前植入缺损处的自体骨移植物。他们所有的患者在术后24个月都有明显的平均改善。其他两项研究均使用一步程序和细胞接种的胶原蛋白支架或凝胶中的软骨细胞(CaReS,图 6 中的示例),在长达36个月的随访后显示出显着改善。剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD患者。Steinhagen等显示所有剥脱性骨软骨炎OCD患者从术前到术后3个月和更长(术后长达36个月)的持续改善。在Steinhagen等和Ochs等的研究中,病变的大小分别是12 cm2和9 cm2。
在总共60名患者中,他们没有发现显着差异,但青少年剥脱性骨软骨炎JOCD患者有更好结果的趋势。总体而言,IKDC(国际膝关节文献委员会)客观评分从术前的37%增加到最后一次随访时的97%向上。然而,随访时间从2.3年(骨髓来源的细胞)到12.2年(大量骨软骨移植物)不等,特定组的患者数量从7人(骨来源细胞植入)到28人(软骨细胞与骨移植物)。不同技术的结果之间的唯一区别是自体软骨细胞移植ACI (0.06)后结果更好的趋势。
Osteochondritis Dissecans: Etiology, Pathology, and Imaging with a Special Focus on the Knee Joint.
This article is a review of the current understanding of the etiology, pathogenesis, and how to diagnose and treat knee osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) followed by an analysis of and outcomes of the treatments available. OCD is seen in children and adolescents with open growth plates (juvenile OCD) and adults with closed growth plates (adult OCD). The etiology of OCD lesions remains unclear and is characterized by an aseptic necrosis in the subchondral bone area. Mechanical factors seem to play an important role. Clinical symptoms are unspecific. Thus, imaging techniques are most important. Regarding treatment, a tremendous number of publications exist. Spontaneous healing is expected unless there is an unstable fragment, and treatment involves rest and different degrees of immobilization until healing. Patients with open physes and low-grade lesions have good results with conservative therapy. When surgery is necessary, the procedure depends on the stage and on the state of the cartilage. With intact cartilage, retrograde procedures are favorable. When the cartilage is damaged, several techniques can be used. While techniques such as drilling and microfracturing produce reparative cartilage, other techniques reconstruct the defect with additional osteochondral grafts or cell-based procedures such as chondrocyte transplantation. There is a tendency toward better results when using procedures that reconstruct the bone and the cartilage and there is also a trend toward better long-term results when comorbidities are treated. Severe grades of osteoarthrosis are rare.
Keywords: etiology; general; imaging; knee joint; osteochondritis dissecans; pathology.
文献出处:Juergen Bruns, Mathias Werner, Christian Habermann. Osteochondritis Dissecans: Etiology, Pathology, and Imaging with a Special Focus on the Knee Joint. Review Cartilage. 2018 Oct;9(4):346-362. doi: 10.1177/1947603517715736.
Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is a common cause of knee disorder among skeletally immature and adult patients and it occurs when a small piece of subchondral bone begins to separate from its surrounding area due to a disturbance of the local blood supply. Finally, a small fragment of bone and the cartilage covering it may begin to crack and get loosened. It was Ambroise Paré and not Paget, as was previously assumed, who was the first (in 1870) to describe such loose bodies found in a joint,1 The term osteochondritis dissecans was initially mentioned in 1888 by K?nig1 who suggested 3 possible causes of the development of loose bodies:
Direct trauma with acute osteochondral fracture
Minimal trauma that develops into osteonecrosis and consecutive fragmentation
No evidence of trauma with a spontaneous development, which K?nig called “osteochondritis dissecans” (OCD).1
The exact prevalence of OCD is unknown but rates of between 15 and 29 per 100,000 have been reported.2,3 Kessler et al.4 have shown that the incidence of OCD of the knee in patients aged 6 to 19 years was 9.5 per 100,000 and 15.4 and 3.3 per 100,000 for male and female patients, respectively (Table 1). Patients aged 12 to 19 years represented the majority of OCD, with an incidence of 11.2 per 100,000 versus 6.8 per 100,000 for those aged 6 to 11 years. In summary, male patients had much greater incidence of OCD and almost 4 times the risk of OCD compared with female patients.4
OCD in this article means a chronic disease of the involved joint that has not resulted from an acute trauma. It is consisting of a fresh osteochondral or chondral lesion (OCL) and with or without a loose osteochondral fragment. OCD is usually regarded as either juvenile OCD (=JOCD) (occurring with an open epiphyseal plate) or adult OCD (=AOCD) (after the physis has closed). These definitions suggest a greater chance of a successful nonsurgical management in patients where the physes are still open than in adult patients with OCD lesions where the physes are already closed.6
This article is a review on what is known about OCD and with a special focus on the largest joint affected; the knee joint. In a future article, the elbow and the ankle joint will be addressed.
One may divide the OCD etiology into 4 different possible causes; traumatic, ischemic, hereditary, and idiopathic7,8 (Table 2). However, etiology of multifactorial origin is the most probable cause.
Trauma: Probably caused by indirect trauma as seen on the most common OCD lesion, the posteromedial medial femoral condylar position.7 Repetitive stress to immature knees and on the tibial spine on the lateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle during internal rotation of the tibia may contribute to the development of human OCD. Such a subchondral stress reaction probably interferes with bony trabecular healing and impedes the ability of the bone to heal. Owing to the lack of underlying support of the cartilage, later stages can lead to a separation of the articular cartilage bone connection with partial loosening of the involved osteochondral region.
Ischemia: Poor vascularity and induced ischemia have been described as a potential cause of OCD.8 Some studies have shown difference in vascular pattern that has been seen at the OCD-positioned sites. Such a joint morphology combined with focal repeated trauma on this site with a unique vascular architecture may trigger ischemic events and subsequent OCD.9
Genetics: Several authors have investigated a potential genetic link for OCD but still genetic and developmental factors in the development of OCD remain relatively unstudied. Skagen et al.10 propose that OCD lesions are caused by an alteration in chondrocyte matrix synthesis causing an endoplasmic reticulum storage disease phenotype, which disturbs or abrupt endochondral ossification. Furthermore, cases of identical twins presenting with a similar disease process are highly suggestive of a genetic component.11
General OCD Pathogenesis
Although the etiology is not fully clear, the pathogenesis of OCD is relatively well understood. Independent from the etiology, at least 4 stages can be described.
Stage 1
OCD lesions start in the subchondral bone with intraosseous subchondral osteopenia, which is only detectable with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or bone scans.
Stage 2
The lesions are associated with an intraosseous edema of the subchondral bone.12-14 A bone bruise is probably the initial stage and subchondral trabecular microfractures might be the morphological correlate of the bone marrow edema.15-20
Stage 3
The continuing, natural course is characterized by a radiologically detectable sclerotic ring, which demarcates the lesions from the surrounding healthy bone. The center of the lesions is thought to be an osteonecrosis (see section “OCD Histology”). At this stage, the cartilage still seems to appear intact in imaging techniques such as MRI and computed tomography (CT).12
Stage 4
A “softening phenomenon and alteration in the mechanical properties of cartilage”19 promotes a reaction of the bone at the border of the necrosis toward the healthy surrounding bone. Still remaining mechanical loads are probably responsible for the cartilage now being involved and showing signs of separation. Finally, the ongoing natural course leads to a loosening of an osteochondral fragment resulting in a single loose body or the occurrence of multiple fragments (the so-called “malicious variant” first described by Wagner.21,22
There are several biomechanically orientated analyses concerning the suggestion of a biomechanical etiology. Rehbein23 in 1950 was able to experimentally produce loose bodies in knee joints of dogs by artificially produced repetitive stress. The specimens histologically resembled those findings described below, which were obtained from loose bodies in the knee joints of humans.
An experimental trial using plane and stereoscopic knee models made from epoxy resins,24 as well as a finite elements analysis of the distal femur,25 revealed peak stresses in the region where an OCD lesion occurs. Using photosensitive foils in the knee mimicking the clinically obvious factors, such as varus or valgus malalignment (knee) with stable and unstable ligaments, exhibited a significant stress concentration in those areas well-known for the clinical development of OCD lesions.26,27
Seen clinically, bone bruises following a bone contusion of the knee are assumed to be primary lesions of the subchondral trabecular bone, which probably initiates an OCD.17,18
OCD Histology
Histology of an advanced lesion is presented in Figure 1. Green and Banks28,29 were, to our knowledge, the first to describe a subchondral osteonecrosis as the initial lesion with still intact overlying cartilage.
Owing to the loss of the mechanical support of the bone for the cartilage, the ongoing process results in secondary damage to the cartilage layer.30 The authors suggested that healing might be possible by creeping substitution provided that the overlying cartilage is still intact. Histological examinations of loose bodies revealed that hypertrophy was common and laminar calcification was found in 53%.31,32
Chiroff and Cooke33 detected fibrocartilaginous tissue at the level of separation and in the bony part of the loose bodies, an increased osteoblastic and osteolytic activity under the almost normal cartilage was found. Furthermore, Milgram34 found no bone in half of the loose bodies. Koch et al.35 analyzed 30 specimens from patients aged 16 to 44 years who had advanced stages of OCD and observed a decreased toluidine staining of PH 1 in the cartilage. A reduced number of chondrocytes could be seen as well as fractured areas in the subchondral bone plate and in the cancellous bone. Furthermore, they found areas of enhanced bone resorption and necrotic subchondral bone surrounded by fatty bone marrow.
Uozumi et al20 have described 3 types of histopathological features:
OCD with necrotic subchondral trabeculae
OCD with viable subchondral trabeculae
OCD cartilage without bone trabeculae.
They summarized that “the initial change in the subchondral area is bone necrosis or subchondral fracture; the necrotic bone is then absorbed and replaced by viable subchondral trabeculae or cartilage without bone trabeculae.”20 In contrast, osteonecrosis could not be detected in any of 8 needle biopsies from the center of stable JOCD lesions in the medial femoral condyles without any degenerative changes.36 Only a thick cartilage layer and fibrous tissue, or thin cartilage with mixed cartilage underneath were found, as were subchondral trabeculae and fibrous and fibrocartilage at the areas of separation.
Most recently, an analysis of loose bodies showed that the chondrocytes from the loose bodies displayed a normal behavior and the cells were regarded to be usable for autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI).37
A meta-analysis of the already published data on histological analyses38 resulted in inconsistent findings: In 7 out of 10 studies, which included the subchondral bone, signs of a bony necrosis had been reported; in 2 out of 11 publications, degenerative or irregular cartilage was mentioned. Regarding the possible underlying etiology, 5 out of 11 articles suggested one major or multiple repetitive microtraumata as the etiological factor. In conclusion, the histological results suggest a focal alteration of cartilage matrix originating from the deep layers of the joint cartilage, potentially the mineralized layer or the subchondral bone.37
Diagnosis of OCD
OCD-related Symptoms
Symptoms are often vague and poorly localized. Different degrees of pain and stiffness may be present; swelling and effusion of the joint and “giving way,” “catching,” or “blocking” of the joint might occur. There are no typical clinical signs for an OCD in any joint.12,30,39,40 The Wilson test, recommended as a clinical diagnostic test at the knee joint is not reliable.41-43
OCD localization schemes are presented in Table 4.
Imaging Techniques for OCD Evaluation
Plain X-rays Before the use of MRI started, initial changes could only be detected with bone scans, or suspected on conventional radiographs. With the introduction of MRI, it was possible to differentiate stages more easily. However, it is still difficult to estimate reliably the mechanical properties of the cartilage layer.
The initial diagnostic schedule when an OCD lesion is suspected starts with an X-ray in 2 orthogonal planes. The standard series include a standing anterior-posterior (AP) view (Fig. 2), a lateral view with the knee flexed 35°, and a 45°patella sunrise view. Additional special X-ray views could be useful such as a tunnel view bringing the area with the lesion more in line with the imaging plane up.65
Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI is the method of choice as the second step in an imaging workup (Fig. 3a and b). Since the availability of MR systems has increased in the past 10 years, the lack of radiation, the sudden development of higher field strengths (1.5 and 3 T), dedicated coil settings, and high-resolution sequences saved the way for the advance of MRI in musculoskeletal imaging. The regular MR approach uses T1- and T2-weighted images in all 3 spatial directions. The maximal slice thickness should be 3 mm, offering a sensitivity of 96% (specificity 0.96) for detecting osteochondral defects at the talus. Diapola et al.50 have developed a useful MRI system for OCD evaluation with 4 gradings:
Stage 1: Thickening of articular cartilage and low signal changes.
Stage 2: Articular cartilage breached, low signal rim behind fragment indicating fibrous attachment.
Stage 3: Articular cartilage breached, high signal changes behind fragment, indicating synovial fluid between fragments and underlying bone
Stage 4: Loose body.
It is also possible to use the arthroscopic International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) OCD classification and Guhl’s classsifiaction44,56 when evaluating OCD on MR images (see Arthroscopic Classifications).
To improve the evaluation, MRI can also be performed by injecting gadolinium MR contrast material into the examined joint shortly before the examination. Such a dGemeric MRI gives information about the matrix quality. Using T2-weighted sequences, the presence of a high signal line or a cyst below an osteochondral lesion indicates the presence of fluid and suggests the presence of an unstable osteochondral defect, even though this signal can reflect vascular granulation tissue representing a healing reaction. Proton density images and 3-dimensional T1-weighted sequences with fat saturation using isotropic voxels below 1 mm with a dedicated field of view (14-20 cm) and intravenous contrast material offer a brilliant image impression and can also differentiate subtle changes.65 Using these sequences as well, MRI offers excellent diagnostic capabilities in detecting even unstable osteochondral lesions. Consequently, routinely intra-articular administration is not necessary for evaluating osteochondral lesions.
Using newly implemented high-resolution sequences to differentiate different types of osteochondral defects offers an overall accuracy of more than 90%.66
In the daily clinical routine, 1.5- and 3-T systems are available. Comparing dedicated coil settings on both systems, the image impression might be better using higher field strength (3-T systems). However, 3-T systems have not yet proved to offer better diagnostic results with regard to cartilage lesions.67
Computed Tomography The 2 important shortcomings of CT are the applied radiation, especially with regard to the age of examined patients, and the lack of visualization of the cartilage. The lack of cartilage visualization can be overcome by using intra-articular contrast material, which can be applied by a direct puncture of the joint and offers an indirect visualization of the cartilage. CT scans can be used to assess the osseous integration after refixation of OCD loose fragments.68
Scintigraphic Examination
Paletta and colleagues69 found that quantitative bone scanning had a 100% predictive value for the prognosis in OCD patients with open physes, but for those with closed physes the predictive value was less.
Cahill and Berg47 have developed a classification useful when to evaluate scintigraphic results of juvenile OCD patients:
0.Normal radiographic and scintigraphic appearance.
1.The lesion is visible on plain radiographs, but bone scans reveal normal findings.
2.The scan reveals increased uptake in the area of the lesion.
3.In addition, there is increased isotopic uptake in the entire femoral condyle.
4.In addition, there is uptake in the tibial plateau opposite the lesion.
Treatment of OCD of the Knee Joint
OCD lesions in the knee joint are located predominantly in the medial femoral condyle and are often associated with a varus malalignment. A minority of OCD lesions are located in the lateral condyle and is associated with valgus malalignment.61,70-72
Lesion Location
Lesions at the lateral femoral condyle can also occur in association with discoid menisci. A lesion at the lateral condyle can develop either primarily with a discoid meniscus or secondarily, after a total resection of a discoid lateral meniscus.73-78 It has been assumed that the altered biomechanics of the knee with a discoid meniscus, or after total lateral meniscectomy, are responsible for the development of an OCD lesion.73-78 The prominence ratio of the lateral condyles of patients with a discoid meniscus is significantly larger than that of controls.78
Only a small number of lesions are located in the patellofemoral joint.12,79,80
Lesion Stability
For both JOCD and AOCD, the indication to follow a conservative therapy or go for a surgical approach depends on the stability of the osteochondral fragment (Table 5). However, what is a stable lesion? Wall et al.81 stated, “A stable OCD was defined as one showing no breach in the articular or the subchondral bone-lesion interface.” Trinh et al.82 realized that their review contained varying definitions for a stable or unstable lesion and adapted them to those used by De Smet et al.51
Lesion instability is said to exists if
A line of high-signal deep to the fragment is seen on T2-weighted image on MRI.
An articular fracture, indicated by a high signal, passes through the subchondral bone plate.
A focal, osteochondral defect is present.
A 5-mm diameter, fluid-filled cyst is deep to the lesion.
Conservative Treatment
A few articles have been published that differentiate between JOCD and AOCD advocating conservative treatment but with different treatment regimes
Most children suffering from JOCD can be successfully treated conservatively.6,19,48,56,83 Restrictions on weightbearing and sports activities have been suggested or simply limitation of daily activities and immobilisation.5,6,33,48,51,62-64,84,85 A common treatment suggestion is that the patient has a brace for 6 to 12 weeks with partial weightbearing and follows regularly with physiotherapy training. If the patient is pain free at 12 weeks and if the imaging shows healing, the patient could start running activities but more aggressive activities should be restricted until the patient have been followed for more months of symptom free activities in sport and leisure such as jumping, twisting and impact loading.
In a recently published, retrospective study on 42 JOCD patients, two-thirds (66%) of the stable lesions healed after an initial treatment with plaster-cast immobilization followed by bracing and limitation of activity for up to 6 months.81 However, the authors experienced failure of treatment in 34% of the patients. Large lesions did significantly worse than the smaller ones (relatively and absolutely), but all the lateral lesions healed.
Prospective factors such as size of a lesion, condyle or noncondyle localization, age, and gender of the patient are still being controversially discussed.5,6,48,63,84-89
Of interest is a European multicenter study6 with the largest number of patients up to now (452 patients with 509 affected knee joints). In 452 patients with a minimal follow-up of 1 year, they differentiated a group A of 276 patients with open physes, for example, males up to 14 years of age and females up to the age of 13 years, from a group B of so-called “premature” patients, for example, over 14 years of age for males and over 13 years for females. A total of 154 patients received conservative treatment while 355 patients needed surgery. Significantly better results were seen in patients from group A than from group B. Those whose situation was favorable (no gross dissection, size < 20 cm2) did significantly better than those with an already detectable dissection (so-called “unfavorable conditions”). Application of a plaster-cast did not influence the result of the conservative treatment in comparison to treatment without a cast (normal and near-normal knees 69.2% vs 72%, respectively). In contrast, those patients with an unfavorable condition had significantly worse results after conservative treatment (abnormal knees in 44%) when compared with surgical therapy (abnormal knees in 33.1%).6
AOCD Regarding AOCD patients, little knowledge exists. Meanwhile, the question is as to whether OCD in AOCD patients occur de novo or whether it is already present prior to epiphyseal closure but, owing to a failed treatment, is still there after epiphyseal closure. The question as to conservative therapy is “How are those persons with an AOCD affected?” In general, to our knowledge there is no explicit answer. Only 1 study has compared patients up to an age of 13 (girls) or 14 years (boys) with those in a premature stage (girls older than 13 or boys older than 14 years) and presented some reliable data. The results for JOCD patients were better after any type of treatment than for any patient in a premature stage.
For AOCD, successful conservative treatment is less likely.6 Lindén5 noted excellent results, regardless of the conservative therapeutic regime, and that children with open physes display no degenerative changes. Hughston et al.63 recommended normal activity and strengthening of the muscles rather than immobilization. The rate of healing following nonoperative treatment ranged from 50% to 94%.5,6,29,33,48,63,64,81,84,85,90
Surgical Treatment
Arthroscopic evaluation and treatment is used as next step when conservative treatment has failed. Accepted, general indications for surgical treatment are4,47,54,64,91
Unstable lesions with already-visible loose bodies
Detachment that occurs during observation or nonoperative treatment when a physeal closure is predicted to occur within 6 to 12 months
When juvenile lesions remain symptomatic despite adequate nonoperative treatment
When an established nonunion of a fragment is detectable
There exist several different classification systems for the arthroscopic evaluation of an OCD lesion. The most well-known is the arthroscopic classification according to Guhl56:
Stage 1: Stable lesion
Stage 2: Lesions showing signs of early separation
Stage 3: Partially detached lesions
Stage 4: Craters with loose bodies.
ICRS has developed a system for evaluating of cartilage lesions and also a system for OCD evaluations.2 The ICRS OCD classification is a modified Guhl classification to adjust cartilage evaluation of OCD lesions to the common ICRS evaluation system44
ICRS OCD 0: Stable, normal intact overlying cartilage
ICRS OCD I: Stable with continuous but softened area with intact cartilage
ICRS OCD II: Stable with partial discontinuity
ICRS OCD III: In situ lesion with complete discontinuity
ICRS OCD IV: Empty defect with dislocated or loose fragments
General Remarks of Operative Treatment
However, indications for surgery are controversial and unclear.82 In a recent review article,82 30 studies (only 1 level-I) on 783 subjects with 862 knees were evaluated. The mean postoperative follow-up was 77 months, minimum 2 years. Nearly all patients demonstrated significant clinical and radiographic improvements in surgically treated JOCD at short-, mid-, and long-term follow-up. Excision of weightbearing OCD lesions led to poorer clinical and radiographic results than other surgical techniques. Outcomes were significantly better for JOCD versus AOCD.
Different surgical techniques, such as retrograde or anterograde drilling (alone or in combination with cancellous bone grafting),54,57,92-95 should only be indicated for low-grade lesions preferably JOCD.54,96 The anterograde technique is easier than the retrograde approach, but perforation of the cartilage layer is necessary in order to reach the involved subchondral bone.
The retrograde approach is more difficult owing to the open physes but it does leave the cartilage layer intact. Imaging techniques, such as fluoroscopy, MRI, ultrasound, or arthroscopy are recommended in order to be able to navigate the drills toward the defect.95,97-100 The goal of both variants is either to perforate the subchondral sclerosis or to promote blood supply to the subchondral necrotic area.
The most important prognostic factor is age. It was observed radiographically that the lesions had healed within 6 weeks to 2 years postoperatively in up to 100% of the JOCD patients but in only 25% of the AOCD cases.56,57,82,91,101,102
Large lesions need a longer time to heal than small ones.101
JOCD A summary of the most recent review of 25 articles, all on JOCD,103 showed that the most common techniques were transarticular drilling for stable lesions and the use of bioabsorbable pin-fixation for fragment refixation. The key findings were that the vast majority of lesions healed postoperatively, regardless of technique, and that high-quality trials are required to more appropriately compare the effectiveness of techniques.103 A similar résumé was published after reviewing anterograde and retrograde drilling.97
Nearly nothing is known about drilling stable lesions in AOCD. Unstable AOCD lesions are mostly treated surgically. For several years, in cases of damage to the cartilage layer, removal of the loose cartilage or osteochondral fragments was recommended, possibly in combination with a debridement procedure. Nowadays, however, this is no longer done owing to poor results, with up to 71% rate of osteoarthritic (OA) changes.2,6,47,55,58,63,83,87,91,104-115 For these reasons, fragment refixation of partially or completely loose bodies—as far as is possible—is recommended (see example in Fig. 4). Histologically, these fragments contain mostly viable cartilage.35,37 Either combining fragment refixation with drilling of the subchondral bone, in order to perforate the subchondral sclerosis, or removal of the sclerosis followed by cancellous bone grafting followed by fragment refixation4,6,64,91,103 is recommended.
Techniques for Fragment Refixation
Several methods have been used for OCD fragment refixation, such as osteochondral pins, plugs or pegs, metallic screws or pins, or resorbable screws, anchors, arrows or pins, all probably in combination with fibrin glue.2,64,82,103,110,112,114,116 The success rate reported has been between 91.7% and 100%, depending on the imaging technique or definition of success.103,116 However, degenerative joint-space narrowing has been radiographically detectable in 75%.110 The optimal fragment refixation technique is still under discussion. It has been observed experimentally that screw-fixation gave the best results117 but that resorbable material can initiate allergic and/or synovial reactions and cartilage damage.118
The authors’ opinion is that successful fragment refixation depends on the existence of a substantial amount of bone on the fragment to allow bony consolidation with the subchondral defect bottom. In cases where fragment refixation is not possible because the loose body is too fragmented, or shows the so-called “malicious form,”21 reconstructive techniques are indicated.
Alternative Techniques for Knee OCD Treatment when Fragment Refixation Is Not Possible
There are numerous reports on these various operative procedures but almost all the articles are case series, that is, level-IV reports; although with a prospective character but without comparison with other procedures.
Only a few level-I/II publications119-126 are available. Even these articles have not always differentiated distinctly between an OCL124 and a typical OCD.119-121 Clear differentiation between JOCD and AOCD has not been made and scoring systems and follow-up criteria have not been consistently adhered to.
With the mixture of different methods of surgery and conservative treatment described in the literature, and with all the different definitions, profound comparisons are nearly impossible.
Bone Marrow Stimulation Techniques Microfracture (MFX) alone, or other bone marrow stimulations combined with a supportive matrix so-called “autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis” (AMIC) are other possible alternatives.127-129 However, failures can be expected beyond 5 years following MFX.120,130 In a comparison between MFX and AMIC in the treatment of small non-OCD lesions, no significant differences for small cartilage lesions were found.131
Osteochondral Autologous Plug Implants (Osteochondral Autograft Transfer [OAT] and Mosaicplasty) One of the first studies on OAT was reported by Wirth et al.132 with favorable results in almost all of the 12 patients suffering from OCD. First long-term results were published by Laprell and Petersen.133 In their case series, they reported good and excellent results (ICRS score) in 26 out of 29 patients (mostly OCD lesions) at a follow-up of 6 and 12 years (mean 8.1 years). They had used the dorsal medial condyle as the donor region but did not fill up the remaining defect. At the follow-up, they observed cystic lesions in the harvest area in 26 patients.133
Hangody et al.134 reported good or excellent results in 89% of 76 patients, all of whom were suffering from OCD. In another study using the mosaicplasty, in which not all the lesions were caused by OCD (33%), the authors stated that better results were achieved in patients who had a condylar lesion (92% good and excellent results) than in those with a tibial resurfacing (87%) or a patellar or trochlear lesion (79%).135
An overview of the literature on osteochondral transplantation techniques shows that a lot of papers do not differentiate between OAT and mosaicplasty, although there is a substantial difference. In contrast to the original OAT technique, in 2 studies the mosaicplasty filled defects consisted of only 60% to 70% hyaline cartilage (see example in Fig. 5). The rest (30%-49%) were fibrocartilage tissues.135,136 The varying use of the nomenclature makes exact comparison difficult.116,121,122,136-140
One of the very few level-I articles122 compared MFX with mosaicplasty in exclusively JOCD patients up to an age of 18 years. While up to 1 year postoperative, there was no significant difference between the 2 techniques, at the second follow-up after 4.2 years, MFX patients exhibited a significant deterioration (41% failure) while those treated by mosaicplasty remained stable with 91% excellent or good results.
Another follow-up study analyzed 57 athletes after either MFX or mosaicplasty, including 43% OCD lesions. Ninety-two of the mosaicplasty patients had excellent or good results while 52% of the patients who were treated with MFX were significantly worse at a maximum of 37.1 months postoperation.121 Similar results were observed after a long-term follow-up of 10 years where there was a 25% failure rate with mosaicplasty as opposed to 75% with MFX.137
These 2 independent studies showed that MFX does not seem to be a surgical alternative in the treatment of OCD lesions. In principle, this can be expected since the lesion is an osteochondral and not a solely chondral lesion with an intact subchondral bone plate.
Both osteochondral plug techniques (OAT, mosaicplasty) can be applied via an arthrotomy, mini-arthrotomy, or arthroscopically.133-135 With both techniques, the open variant allows a precise positioning of the transplant, enabling it to adapt in height and shape to the surrounding, healthy, articular surface. A disadvantage is the disturbed proprioception and prolonged rehabilitation period after arthrotomy than after arthroscopy.135,141,142 In contrast, arthroscopic techniques require a very experienced surgeon.
Mega-OATS In cases with fairly large lesions, the mega-OAT procedure is an alternative. This technique uses large osteochondral plugs explanted from the dorsal condyles and was inaugurated by Imhoff et al.143 However, well before that, the posterior condyle was described as a potential donor site.21,22,144 First results on operated knee joints with a mean follow-up of 9.8 months (range 2-26 months) showed a distinct postoperative improvement in 93.8% of patients (15/16).143 The authors also treated malalignments of the involved leg but did not observe an influence on the results. Another article on this technique145 reported satisfactory results for 26 out of 29 patients after a follow-up of up to 18 months. Furthermore, a high tibial osteotomy did not significantly influence the results. Altogether 26 out of 29 patients (89.7%) were subjectively satisfied. Sixteen patients (55.2%) were able to return to their preoperative level of sports activities. Neither donor site morbidity nor problems at the rim of the explant region were observed.
Mega-OAT has the advantage that the transplants are fixed without having to hammer them into place. This means that chondrocyte death in the transplants can be avoided. Results of mega-OAT in 16 patients (4 laterals, 12 medial lesions) after 5 years showed a significant improvement in 15 patients (93.8%). No donor site morbidity was detected but the authors mentioned newly-formed tissue in the region from where the transplants had been taken.146 Regarding allogenic mega-OAT transplants, only 1 report on 5 patients has been published.147
Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI) Since the first publications on ACI,148 several articles of mostly level-IV quality have been published. Today, there are several generations of this technique mostly with cell suspension seeded under a periosteal membrane or seeded into or on scaffolding matrices.
The scientific situation of ACI is the same as for OAT/mosaicplasty or fragment refixation. There are only a few level-I and -II studies. Peterson et al.149 reported successful treatment in 58 patients with OCD, 35 with JOCD, and 23 with AOCD. After a mean follow-up of 5.6 years, 91% of the patients had a good or excellent overall result; 93% reported a self-assessed improvement.
Taking into consideration that OCD is not only a chondral but also an OCL, some of the patients received additional bone grafts. However, unfortunately, no differentiation was made between those with and those without bone grafts.
Another level-IV study150 reported similar results in 40 exclusively JOCD patients. A follow-up in 80% after the classic ACI treated patients a success rate of 85% was found while the failure rate was 19%. Ferruzzi et al.151 compared ACI via an arthrotomy (n = 48) with an arthroscopic procedure (n = 50) using a cell seeded matrix. Twenty-five of the patients were suffering from OCD. They observed a significant improvement in both groups but the failure rate after an open procedure was 19%, distinctly higher than after the arthroscopic technique (4%). In addition, they noted a faster rehabilitation following arthroscopy-mediated treatment.
One level-I study on 80 patients comparing ACI (n = 40) with MFX (n = 40),119,120 including 65% traumatic lesions, 28% OCD lesions and 7% with unspecified diagnoses revealed no significant differences between both groups. At a follow-up of 2 and 5 years, a success rate of 77% and a failure rate of 23% were reported for each group.
Two comparisons of ACI with mosaicplasty were made by Bentley et al. the first in 2003 with a mean follow-up of 1.7 years125 and the second in 2012126 with a minimum follow-up of 10 years. At the first follow-up, 9 out of 42 mosaicplasty patients (21%) exhibited an excellent result in contrast to 23 out of 58 (40%) in the ACI group. Furthermore, the rate of poor results for the mosaicplasty patients was distinctly higher (17%) than in the ACI group (0%). Arthroscopy at 1 year postoperatively demonstrated excellent or good repairs in 82% after ACI. Following mosaicplasty, 34% had good results, no “excellent” outcome. At a minimum of 10 years’ follow-up,126 the repair had failed in 10 out of 58 ACI patients (17%) and 23 out of 42 (55%) from the mosaicplasty group.
Assuming that the grafts of patients who could no longer be traced were intact (“best-case scenario”), grafts of patients lost to follow-up were not intact (“worst-case scenario”), comparison of the Kaplan-Meier curves revealed distinctly better results after ACI than after mosaicplasty. Deterioration of the results after mosaicplasty started at approximately 2 years postoperatively.126
Basad et al.152 analyzed the results of a 2-step procedure using autologous bone grafts implanted into the defect prior to the cell seeded scaffold procedure with a double-layer technique. All their patients had a distinct mean improvement 24 months postoperatively. Two other studies,153,154 both using a 1-step procedure and cell-seeded collagen scaffold or chondrocytes in a gel (CaReS, example in Fig. 6), demonstrated a significant improvement after a follow-up of up to 36 months in all of the OCD patients. Steinhagen et al.153 showed a continual improvement from preoperative to 3 months postoperatively and longer (up to 36 months postoperatively) in all of the OCD patients. The size of the lesions measured up to 12 cm2 and 9 cm2 in the studies by Steinhagen et al.153 and Ochs et al.,154 respectively.
To our knowledge, there is only 1 level-I study comparing more than 2 techniques.123 These authors described a very interesting, prospective, randomized trial on JOCD and AOCD patients. The trial compared the following procedures:
Massive autologous osteochondral transplants
Autologous bone-cartilage-paste grafts,
Autologous chondrocyte transplantation (second generation) in combination with a bone graft
Biomimetic osteochondral scaffolds
Bone marrow–derived cell transplantation.
In a total of 60 patients, they did not find significant differences but there was a tendency toward better results in JOCD patients.123 Overall, the IKDC (International Knee Documentation Committee) objective score increased from 37% preoperatively to 97% at the last follow-up. However, the follow-up time varied from 2.3 years (bone marrow–derived cells) to 12.2 years (massive osteochondral grafts) and the number of patients in a particular group from 7 (bone-derived cell implantation) to 28 (chondrocytes with bone grafts). The only difference among the results of the different techniques was a trend toward better results following ACI (0.06).123
For many years fresh, fresh-frozen or stored allografts have also been used in advanced knee OCD lesions.154-161 Fresh, refrigerated allografts are the standard choice for osteochondral allografts since frozen and freeze-dried cartilage has insufficient viable cartilage cells.142,162 When the refrigerated allograft is fresh, up to 98% of the chondrocytes are viable for 7 days; this decreases to 70% by 28 days.65,163 The decreased viability is accompanied by diminished cell density and decreased metabolic activity.65,164 The matrix and chondrocytes have been shown to survive in long-term recovery studies.142
However, extensive serological, bacterial, and viral testing of grafts is necessary prior to allograft transplantation until negative test results have been ensured. Donors must be screened. A round-the-clock transplantation service must be available.142,165 Furthermore, the immunogenicity and unplanned transfer of diseases has not yet been fully eliminated. However, the risk of HIV transmission is estimated to be as low as approximately 1 in 1.6 million, and there have been no reports of this route of disease transmission since the late 1980s.142,165
While chondrocytes are preserved against immunological reactions by the matrix cells, cells in the bony part of the graft should be removed to a great extent. In contrast to the cartilage, which seems to be completely integrated, bony integration can be a cause of failure.142
There are 2 studies reporting exclusively on OCD; other publications include up to 45% OCD patients. On one hand, a relatively high success rate is described for OCD patients with a survival rate of between 72% after 7.7 years159 and, at 10 years, 82%. The survival rate decreases to 66% after 20 years (45% OCD lesions).160 On the other hand, in 15% to 47%, there is a high rate of failure and/or the necessity of further operations.154,158 The use of allografts in JOCD was reported by Lyon et al.161; after surgery, patients (mean age 15.2 years) had returned within 6 months without difficulty to the activities of daily living and, between the 9th and 12th month to full sports activities.
A retrieval analysis of 26 specimens from 14 patients revealed 82% viable chondrocytes after a survival of 42 months. Histologically, all specimens showed some cartilage fibrillation but no signs of transplant rejection.166
Long-term Results after Different Treatments
There are a large number of articles with a mean follow-up of between 5 and 34 years.5,14,59-61,87,107-109,111,133,135,166-170 The articles included at least 2 longitudinal studies in which patients were examined twice.107,109 However, all the articles are only level IV, which means that the interpretation of the long-term results is difficult, particularly since the authors may be biased.107,108,112
Regarding excision or removal of OCD fragments, results revealed a clear tendency toward poor or fair results after a period of 10 to 20 years.166,170 Michael et al.108 observed excellent and good results in only 35% after 28 years mostly following excision with a rate of OA of 92%. Similar data were mentioned by Twyman et al.109 One report on exclusively lateral condylar OCD105 described a moderate OA but better clinical results 14 years after arthroscopic excision and subchondral drilling in most of the patients (22/28 knee joints). In contrast, results after fragment refixation were excellent or good in 85% to 92% of patients after 5 to 15 years.57 It seems that refixation results in a distinctly lower rate of OA and at a follow-up of 34 years, a rate of 35% of moderate OA was seen.111,112
So far as comparison is possible, reconstructive therapies have a tendency to better long-term results with a lower rate of OA, as is described for OAT133: Most of the patients (48%) exhibit the same postoperative grade of OA after 8.1 years when compared with preoperatively, and 34% exhibited an impairment of one grade.
Peterson et al.148 referred to excellent or good clinical results after ACI in 91% of 58 patients with a mean follow-up of 5.6 years but also mentioned signs of OA in nearly 50%.
Long-term results after repair with allografts showed a relatively high rate of success with a survival rate of 72% after 7.7 years (all OCD lesions) and 82% after 10 years.158 However, it was only 66% after 20 years (45% OCD)160 and there was a high failure rate and/or reoperations between 15% up to 47%.155,159,160,171
Several authors have reported on the relation between medial OCD lesions in the knee joint and varus malalignment as well as between lateral lesions and valgus malalignment.26,96,135,142,172-176 Jacobi et al.173 analyzed the bilateral full-leg radiographs of their patients and found that OCD lesions and deviation of the mechanical axis in the varus or valgus were correlated significantly with medial (varus) and lateral lesions (valgus), respectively. The difference between affected and unaffected legs was also significant for lateral but not medial lesions. Subsequently, correction of the malalignment should be considered as an additional therapeutic goal, more for varus than for valgus malalignment. Slawski176 reported on 6 AOCD patients suffering from a varus malalignment in 7 of their knees with a high-tibial osteomy and achieved a distinct improvement of the postoperative Lysholm score.
ACL Instability and Meniscal Lesions ACL instability or meniscal lesions should also be therapeutically addressed.133,135,142,143 Hangody et al.135 reported a rate of 85% concomitant surgical interventions. The majority of these procedures were ACL reconstructions, realignment osteotomy, meniscal surgery, or patellofemoral realignment.
There are reports on the combination of OCD lesions at the lateral femoral condyle with a discoid meniscus, and the development of an OCD lesion after a total meniscectomy of a discoid meniscus.75 Subsequently, in our opinion, discoid menisci should be surgically reduced to the size of a normal meniscus. However, a total meniscectomy of discoid menisci can also result in the development of an ipsilateral OCD lesion.76
OCD remains an etiological, histological, and therapeutic mystery. There is much confusion regarding the classification and definition of OCD lesions and their differentiation from others, as well as with regard to a clear definition of JOCD and AOCD. Furthermore, there are no clear and scientifically well-based recommendations as to which therapeutic strategy should be used. In addition, a clear and uniformly used definition of the clinical and radiographical success and/or healing is still missing.
Although there are a tremendous number of publications on all aspects regarding OCD in different joints, there is a great lack of scientifically reliable prospective randomized studies.
Confusion still remains, at least for OCD lesions in the knee, and is expressed in the “Summary of Recommendations” in the publication “The Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteochondritis Dissecans” elaborated by a working group of the “American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons” and published by Chambers et al.2,177 They found that the strength of recommendations regarding 16 different aspects was inconclusive in 10 and weak in 2. Only in 4 aspects did the group find consensus.
In the future, it should be an international aim of institutions dealing with osteoarticular diseases to develop a protocol for providing more satisfactory data than those obtained from level-IV studies, these being of little scientific worth.
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