发表者:赵强 人已读
1.大脑前动脉的直径:右侧2.8mm,左侧2.9mm。A1段长度14.6 mm。
The mean outer diameter of the A1 was 2.8 mm on the right side and 2.9 mm of
the left side. The mean length of the A1 was 14.6 mm on either side.
2.大脑中动脉的直径:3 -5 mm。M1段长度16 mm。
Jain reported that the average length of 610 middle cerebral arteries was 1.6 cm., with a range of 0.5 to 3 cm. The diameter ranged from0.3 to 0.5 cm.来源于http://www.anatomyatlases.org/AnatomicVariants/Cardiovascular/Text/Arteries/CerebralMiddle.shtml
A study of 89 formalin-fixed brain specimen of either sex and of Indian origin has showed that the mean length
and diameter of the posterior cerebral artery was 6.75 ± 1.482 mm and 1.7 ± 0.7 mm respectively.
Studies on the length of the posterior cerebral artery
by various authors have shown it to vary between
6.8–7.5 mm. Diameter of the vessel was seen to be
between 2.1–2.75 mm on right side and 1–2.5 mm on
the left side.来源于http://www.rjme.ro/RJME/resources/files/490108043045.pdf
The mean diameter of the vertebral artery was 3.4 mm on the left and 2.9 mm on the right. The diameter of the basilar artery varied from 3-7 mm (mean of 4.3 mm). The length varied from 24-35 mm (mean of 24.9 mm).来源于http://www.bioline.org.br/abstract?ni07011
6.颈内动脉的直径:男性5.11±0.87 mm,女性4.66±0.78 mm。
7.颈总动脉的直径:男性6.52±0.98mm,女性6.10±0.80 mm。
Measurements were obtained in 500 consecutive patients (age 52±15 years; 61% women). Mean diameters of ICA (4.66±0.78 mm) and CCA (6.10±0.80 mm) in women were significantly smaller than in men: 5.11±0.87 mm and 6.52±0.98 mm, respectively. Sex significantly influenced the diameters after controlling for body size, neck size, age, and blood pressure.来源于http://stroke.ahajournals.org/content/37/4/1103.full
Table 1. The summary of the mean values of luminal diameters and IMTs of the subjects.
R CCA luminal diameter 6.90±0.93 7.40±0.79 0.04
L CCA luminal diameter 6.85±0.72 7.13±0.77 0.10
R ICA luminal diameter 5,25±0.83 5.15±0.87 0.50
L ICA luminal diameter 5.55±1.13 5.10±0.93 0.08