陈鸣宇, 医学博士,浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院普外科医师,现任欧洲肝病协会member、亚洲急危重协会委员、浙江大学睿医人工智能中心特邀讲者、百特中国青年学者,Frontiers in oncology杂志副编辑, Military medical research(MMR), Annal of translation medicine (ATM), Journal of clinical and translational hepatology (JCTH)等多本SCI杂志青年编委, 长期致力于肝胆肿瘤诊治和“合成致死”肿瘤治疗机制等研究。近年以第一/通讯作者在Ann Surg, Liver Cancer, JHO, AS等专业顶刊发表SCI论文46篇,累计影响因子200+分,其中IF>10分的5篇,曾多次受邀EASL、ESMO、ACS等国际会议并做大会发言,主持省部级课题3项,拥有授权发明专利10余项(PCT国际专利1项),开发医学软件2款。
欧洲肝病协会Young Investigator Bursary(2019,2020)
1. Li S*, Topatana W*, Juengpanich S*, Cao J, Hu J, Zhang B, Ma D, Cai X#, Chen M#. Development of Synthetic Lethality in Cancer: Molecular and Cellular. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy.(通讯作者,SCI,中科院Top, 一区,IF=13.07)
2. Topatana W*, Juengpanich S*, Li S*, Cao J, Hu J, Lee J, Suliyanto K, Ma D, Zhang B, Chen M#, Cai X#. Advances in synthetic lethality for cancer therapy: cellular mechanism and clinical translation. J Hematol Oncol. 2020 Sep 3;13(1):118. (共同通讯作者,SCI,中科院Top, 一区,IF=11.09)
3. Chen M, Cai X. Synthetic Lethality Is a Novel and Potential Paradigm for Precision Medicine in Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Liver Cancer. 2020 Apr;9(2):225-226. (第一作者,SCI,中科院Top, 一区,IF=9.72)
4. Chen M, Zhang B, Topatana W, Cao J, Zhu H, Juengpanich S, Mao Q, Yu H, Cai X. Classification and mutation prediction based on histopathology H&E images in liver cancer using deep learning. NPJ Precis Oncol. 2020 Jun 8;4:14. (第一作者,SCI,二区,IF=7.07)
5. Chen M, Hu J, Cao J, Cai X. Comprehensive Consideration before the Decision-Making of the Systemic Treatment in Patients with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Liver Cancer. 2020 Apr;9(2):221-222. (第一作者,SCI,中科院Top, 一区,IF=9.72)
6. Chen M, Lin J, Cao J, Zhu H, Zhang B, Wu A, Cai X. Development and validation of a nomogram for survival benefit of lymphadenectomy in resected gallbladder cancer. Hepatobiliary Surg Nutr. 2019 Oct;8(5):480-489.(第一作者,SCI,二区,IF=5.29)
7. Chen M, Hu J, Cai X. Ectopic Thyroid Gland Tissue in the Liver. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Oct 5:S1542-3565(19)31093-6.(第一作者,SCI,中科院Top, 一区,IF=8.55)
8. Pan L*, Chen M*, Ji L, Zheng L, Yan P, Fang J, Zhang B, Cai X. The Safety and Efficacy of Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration Combined with Cholecystectomy for the Management of Cholecysto-choledocholithiasis: An Up-to-date Meta-analysis. Ann Surg. 2018 Aug;268(2):247-253. (共同第一作者,SCI,中科院Top, 一区,IF=10.13)
9. Chen M, Cao J, Bai Y, Tong C, Lin J, Jindal V, Barchi LC, Nadalin S, Yang SX, Pesce A, Panaro F, Ariche A, Kai K, Memeo R, Bekaii-Saab T, Cai X; Written on behalf of the AME Gallbladder Cancer Collaborative Group. Development and Validation of a Nomogram for Early Detection of Malignant Gallbladder Lesions. Clin Transl Gastroenterol. 2019 Oct;10(10):e00098. (第一作者,SCI,二区,IF=3.97)
10. Cao J, Cai X, Chen M: Liver Injury in COVID-19: Caution and Management. Liver Cancer 2020;9:625-626. (通讯作者,SCI,中科院Top, 一区,IF=9. 72)
11. Cao J, Wang Y, Zhang B, Hu J, Topatana W, Li S, Juengpanich S, Lu Z, Cai X, Chen M. Comparison of Outcomes After Primary Laparoscopic Versus Open Approach for T1b/T2 Gallbladder Cancer. Front Oncol. 2021 Oct 28;11:758319. (通讯作者,SCI,二区,IF=6.4)
12. Hu J, Cao J, Topatana W, Juengpanich S, Li S, Zhang B, Shen J, Cai L, Cai X, Chen M. Targeting mutant p53 for cancer therapy: direct and indirect strategies. J Hematol Oncol. 2021 Sep 28;14(1):157. (通讯作者,SCI,中科院Top, 一区,IF=16.5)
13. Zhang B, Chen M, Cao J, Liang Y, Tu T, Hu J, Li T, Cai Y, Li S, Liu B, Xu J, Liang B, Ye X, Cai X. An integrated electrochemical POCT platform for ultrasensitive circRNA detection towards hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis. Biosens Bioelectron. 2021 Nov 15;192:113500. (共一,SCI,IF=10.5)
14. Chen M, Cao J, Xiang Y, Ma X, Bai Y, Lai Q, Tong C, Ma Z, Topatana W, Hu J, Li S, Juengpanich S, Yu H, Cai X. Hepatectomy strategy for T2 gallbladder cancer between segment IVb and V resection and wedge resection: A propensity score-matched study. Surgery. 2021 Jun;169(6):1304-1311. (第一作者,SCI,IF=3+)
病情描述:腹痛9月余 看病过程:阑尾炎+肠粘连 康复情况:经...