2023年第二十一届中国西部国际口腔暨国际口腔学术会正畸学术专场——《博学尚美 例精善治》青年正畸医师病例展评会“三十强”。
2017年全国口腔美学会(湖北武汉),参与的3个病例《畸形侧切牙微创美学修复联合正畸治疗》、《前牙美学微创联合序列治疗》、《前牙区反合先天缺牙伴散在间隙的正畸-种植联合治疗》均获得第三届口腔美学修复临床病例 壁报三等奖。
1. Zhao M, Wang P, Wang H, Li X, Bai D, Tian Y. Diagnostic and treatment protocol for a patient with temporomandibular disorder using a stabilization splint and temporary anchorage devices. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2021, 159(5): 666-681.e662.
2. Zhao M, Ma Q, Zhao Z, Guan X, Bai Y. Periodontal ligament fibroblast-derived exosomes induced by compressive force promote macrophage M1 polarization via Yes-associated protein. Archives of oral biology 2021, 132: 105263.
3. Zhao M, Dai W, Wang H, Xue C, Feng J, He Y, Wang P, Li S, Bai D, Shu R. Periodontal ligament fibroblasts regulate osteoblasts by exosome secretion induced by inflammatory stimuli. Archives of oral biology 2019, 105: 27-34.
4. 赵梦远, 李思佳, 白沄子, 田臻, 白丁. 患者对正畸治疗的顾虑及偏好的问卷调查研究 国际口腔医学杂志 2019, 46(03): 287-291.
5. 赵梦远, 白丁. 炎症刺激下人牙周膜细胞来源外泌体调控成骨细胞的功能研究 华西口腔医学杂志 2018, 36: 12-16.
6. Walker JV, Zhuang H, Singer D, Illsley CS, Kok WL, Sivaraj KK, Gao Y, Bolton C, Liu Y, Zhao M, Grayson PRC, Wang S, Karbanová J, Lee T, Ardu S, Lai Q, Liu J, Kassem M, Chen S, Yang K, Bai Y, Tredwin C, Zambon AC, Corbeil D, Adams R, Abdallah BM, Hu B. Transit amplifying cells coordinate mouse incisor mesenchymal stem cell activation. Nature communications 2019, 10(1): 3596.
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