1. 科技部重点研发计划,老年常见临床问题防控技术有效集成及综合示范研究
2. 国家自然科学基金,局部施用辛伐他汀抗生物膜及内植物感染的作用及其机制
3. 国家自然科学基金,3D打印多孔钛合金填充辛伐他汀温敏性水凝胶在脊柱融合中的研究
4. 科技部863计划,具有骨诱导作用的可注射载他汀智能体系研发
5. 教育部新世纪优秀人才,骨质疏松和成骨重建应用基础及机制
6. 国家自然科学基金,雌激素受体的表达在辛伐他汀刺激成骨机制中的作用
《中华骨科杂志》论坛优秀论文三等奖 2011年
国际骨质疏松大会优秀论文三等奖IOC 2007年
1. Dang L, Zhu J,Song C*. The effect of topical administration of simvastatin on entochondrostosis and intramembranous ossification: An animal experiment.J Orthop Transl. 2021; 28: 1–9.
2. Zhu J, Zhang C, Jia J, Wang H, Leng H, Xu Y, Wu C, Zhang Q,Song C*. Osteogenic effects in a rat osteoporosis model and femur defect model by simvastatin microcrystals.Ann Ny Acad Sci. 2021; 1487: 31–42.
3. Zhang C,Song C*. Combination Therapy of PTH and Antiresorptive Drugs on Osteoporosis: A Review of Treatment Alternatives.Front Pharmacol. 2021; 11: 607017.
4. Yuan W, Hai B, Ren X, Zhu J, Zhang C, Guan Z, Jia J, Wang H, Cao B,Song C*. Single-dose local intraosseous injection of simvastatin suppresses breast cancer with tumor vascular normalization.Transl Oncol. 2020; 13: 100867.
5. Liu C, Zhu J, Hai B, Zhang W, Wang H, Leng H, Xu Y,Song C*. Single Intraosseous Injection of Simvastatin Promotes Endothelial Progenitor Cell Mobilization, Neovascularization, and Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats.Plast Reconstr Surg. 2020; 145: 433–443.
6. Zhu J, Liu C, Jia J, Zhang C, Yuan W, Leng H, Xu Y,Song C*. Short‐term caloric restriction induced bone loss in both axial and appendicular bones by increasing adiponectin.Ann Ny Acad Sci. 2020; 1474: 47–60.
7. Yuan W,Song C*. The Emerging Role of Rab5 in Membrane Receptor Trafficking and Signaling Pathways.Biochem Res Int. 2020; 2020: 1–10.
8. Zhang C, Zhu J, Jia J, Guan Z, Sun T, Zhang W, Yuan W, Wang H, Leng H,Song C*. Once‐weekly parathyroid hormone combined with ongoing long‐term alendronate treatment promotes osteoporotic fracture healing in ovariectomized rats.J Orthop Res. 2020; 10.1002/jor.24953
9. Zhang C, Feng J, Wang S, Gao P, Xu L, Zhu J, Jia J, Liu L, Liu G, Wang J,Zhan S*, Song C*. Incidence of and trends in hip fracture among adults in urban China: A nationwide retrospective cohort study.Plos Med.2020; 17: e1003180.
10. Guan Z, Jia J, Zhang C, Sun T, Zhang W, Yuan W, Leng H,Song C*. Gut microbiome dysbiosis alleviates the progression of osteoarthritis in mice.Clinical Science. 2020;134:3159–3174.(封面文章)
11. Guan X, Guan Z,Song C*. Expression profile analysis identifies key genes as prognostic markers for metastasis of osteosarcoma.Cancer Cell Int. 2020; 20: 104.
12. Zhang C, Zhu J, Jia J, Guan Z, Sun T, Zhang W, Yuan W, Wang H, Leng H,Song C*Effect of Single Versus Multiple Fractures on Systemic Bone Loss in Mice.J Bone Miner Res. 2020; 10.1002/jbmr.4211
13. Dang L, Zhu J, Liu Z, Liu X, Jiang L, Wei F,Song C*. A new approach to the treatment of spinal instability: Fusion or structural reinforcement without surgery?Med Hypotheses. 2020; 144: 109900.
14. Zhang W, Sun C, Zhu J, Zhang W, Leng H,Song C*. 3D printed porous titanium cages filled with simvastatin hydrogel promotes bone ingrowth and spinal fusion in rhesus macaques.Biomaterials Science. 2020;8:4147–56.(封面文章)
15. Zhang W, Zhu J, Ma T, Liu C, Hai B, Du G, Wang H, Li N, Leng H, Xu Y,Song C*. Comparison of the effects of once-weekly and once-daily rhPTH (1-34) injections on promoting fracture healing in rodents.J Orthop Res. 2018; 36: 1145–1152.
16. Guo Q, Liu C, Hai B, Ma T, Zhang W, Tan J, Fu X, Wang H, Xu Y*,Song C*. Chitosan conduits filled with simvastatin/Pluronic F-127 hydrogel promote peripheral nerve regeneration in rats.J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2018; 106: 787–799.
17. Fu X, Tan J, Sun CG, Leng HJ, Xu YS,Song CL*. Intraosseous Injection of Simvastatin in Poloxamer 407 Hydrogel Improves Pedicle-Screw Fixation in Ovariectomized Minipigs.J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2016; 98: 1924–1932.
18. Liu H, Li W, Liu C, Tan J, Wang H, Hai B, Cai H, Leng H, Liu Z-J,Song C-L*. Incorporating simvastatin/poloxamer 407 hydrogel into 3D-printed porous Ti6Al4V scaffolds for the promotion of angiogenesis, osseointegration and bone ingrowth.Biofabrication. 2016; 8: 045012.
19. Tan J, Fu X, Sun CG, Liu C, Zhang XH, Cui YY, Guo Q, Ma T, Wang H, Du GH, Yin X, Liu ZJ, Leng HJ, Xu YS,Song CL*. A single CT-guided percutaneous intraosseous injection of thermosensitive simvastatin/poloxamer 407 hydrogel enhances vertebral bone formation in ovariectomized minipigs.Osteoporosis Int. 2016; 27: 757–767.
20. Zhang W, Liu C, Hai B, Du G, Wang H, Leng H, Xu Y,Song C*. A Convenient In Vivo Model Using Small Interfering RNA Silencing to Rapidly Assess Skeletal Gene Function.PloS one. 2016;11(11): e0167222-16.
21. Tan J, Yang N, Fu X, Cui Y, Guo Q, Ma T, Yin X, Leng H,Song C*. Single-dose local simvastatin injection improves implant fixation via increased angiogenesis and bone formation in an ovariectomized rat model.Med Sci Monit. 2015; 21: 1428–39.
22. Yang N, Cui Y, Tan J, Fu X, Han X, Leng H,Song C*. Local injection of a single dose of simvastatin augments osteoporotic bone mass in ovariectomized rats.J Bone Miner Metab. 2014; 32: 252–60.
23. Yueyi C, Xiaoguang H, Jingying W, Quansheng S, Jie T, Xin F, Yingsheng X*,Chunli S*. Calvarial defect healing by recruitment of autogenous osteogenic stem cells using locally applied simvastatin.Biomaterials. 2013; 34: 9373–9380.
24. Han X, Yang N, Cui Y, Xu Y, Dang G,Song C*. Simvastatin mobilizes bone marrow stromal cells migrating to injured areas and promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injury in the rat.Neuroscience Lett. 2012; 521: 136–141.
25. Han X, Yang N, Xu Y*, Zhu J, Chen Z, Liu Z, Dang G,Song C*. Simvastatin treatment improves functional recovery after experimental spinal cord injury by upregulating the expression of BDNF and GDNF.Neuroscience Lett. 2011; 487: 255–259.
26. Li X, Song Q-S, Wang J-Y, Leng H, Chen Z-Q, Liu Z-J, Dang G-T,Song C-L*. Simvastatin induces estrogen receptor-alpha expression in bone, restores bone loss, and decreases ERα expression and uterine wet weight in ovariectomized rats.J Bone Miner Metab. 2011; 29: 396–403.
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《现代骨科基础与临床》人民卫生出版社 2006年参编
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《创伤骨科学》天津科技翻译出版公司 2007年参译
《衰老相关疾病及综合征》人民卫生出版社 2011年参编