1. Hu WH, Zhao BT, Zhang C, Wang X, Sang L, Shao XQ, Qiao H, Zhang JG, Zhang K. Focal cortical dysplasia II-related seizures originate from the bottom of the dysplastic sulcus: A stereoelectroencephalography study. Clin Neurophysiol. 2019 Sep; 130(9):1596-1603.
2. Liu Z, Hu W, Sun Z, Wang X, Liu L, Shao X, Zhang K, Ma Y, Zhang J. MRI Abnormalities Predominate in the Bottom Part of the Sulcus with Type II Focal Cortical Dysplasia: A Quantitative Study. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2019 Jan; 40(1):184-190. Co-first author.
3. B Jin, W Hu, L Ye, B Krishnan, T Aung, SE Jones, IM Najm, et al. Small Lesion Size Is Associated with Sleep-Related Epilepsy in Focal Cortical Dysplasia Type II. Front Neurol. 2018 Feb 28; 9: 106. Co-first author
4. Hu WH, Wang X, Liu LN, Shao XQ, Zhang K, Ma YS, Ai L, Li JJ, Zhang JG. Multimodality Image Post-processing in Detection of Extratemporal MRI-Negative Cortical Dysplasia. Front Neurol. 2018 Jun 14;9:450.
5. Hu WH, Liu LN, Zhao BT, Wang X, Zhang C, Shao XQ, Zhang K, Ma YS, Ai L, Li JJ, Zhang JG. Use of an Automated Quantitative Analysis of Hippocampal Volume, Signal, and Glucose Metabolism to Detect Hippocampal Sclerosis. Front Neurol. 2018 Oct 4; 9:820.
6. Hu Wen-han, Ge Ming, Zhang Kai, Meng Fan-gang, Zhang Jian-guo. Seizure outcome with surgical management of epileptogenic ganglioglioma: a study of 55 patients. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2012; 154:855-61.
7. WH Hu, C Zhang, K Zhang, FG Meng, N Chen, JG Zhang. Selective amygdalohippocampectomy versus anterior temporal lobectomy in the management of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: a meta-analysis of comparative studies: a systematic review. Journal of neurosurgery 2013 Nov; 119 (5), 1089-1097.
8. WH Hu, C Zhang, K Zhang, XQ Shao, JG Zhang. Hemispheric surgery for refractory epilepsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis with emphasis on seizure predictors and outcomes. Journal of neurosurgery 2016 Apr; 124 (4), 952-961.
9. W Hu, Y Bi, K Zhang, F Meng, J Zhang. High-frequency electrical stimulation in the nucleus accumbens of morphine-treated rats suppresses neuronal firing in reward-related brain regions. Medical science monitor. 2011; 17 (6), BR153-60.
10. W Hu, K Zhang, J Zhang. Atypical trigeminal neuralgia: A consequence of central sensitization? Medical hypotheses. 2010; 75 (1), 65-66.
11. WH Hu, K Zhang, FG Meng, Y Ma, JG Zhang. Deep brain stimulation in China: present and future. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface. 2012; 15 (3), 251-259.
12. W Hu, K Zhang, X Shao, D Li, Q Bai, H Qiao, F Meng, J Zhang. Surgical outcome of gelastic epilepsy of frontal lobe origin: a case report. Seizure. 2011; 20 (4), 352-356.
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