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医学博士,毕业于北京大学医学部,中国医师协会会员,科室行政医师。2019年7月在美国哈佛大学附属布列根妇女医院参访 2018年5月在德国图宾根BG klinik学习计算机导航膝关节置换手术2015年6-7月在美国费城Rothman Institute完成fellow培训2015年5月于美国纽约HSS医院进修学习2014年6-9月于韩国首尔庆熙大学接受人工膝髋关节重建外科fellowship培训。2013年赴香港玛丽医院骨科学习,华西医院膝髋关节置换学习班、协和医院关节置换高级学习班学员。


1. 北京大学教学比赛(医学类)一等奖(2017)2. 北京大学校级优秀教学奖(2017)3. 北京市青年教师基本功比赛二等奖(2017)4. 北京大学医学部青年岗位能手(2017)5. 北京大学第三医院优秀青年医师奖(2016)6. 北京大学第三医院优秀青年教师(2016)7. 北京大学第三医院教学比赛一等奖(2016)8. 第三届全国髋关节外科学术大会青年医师论坛,三等奖(2015)9. 北京大学第三医院院骨科优秀住院医师 (2008)


论文主要论文(第一或通讯作者)1 Zhao MW, Liang Y, Wang X, Zeng L, Tian H. Chinese primary knee osteoarthritis progression cohort (CPKOPC) to evaluate the progression of knee osteoarthritis in the Beijing population: a prospective cohort study protocol. BMJ Open. 2019 Aug 20;9(8):e029430.2 Zhao MW, Geng X, Wang C, Zeng L, Tian H. The value of tranexamic acid for patients with preoperative anemia in primary total knee arthroplasty. Eur J Med Res. 2019 Aug 12;24(1):28.vZhao MW, Wang N, Zeng L, etc. Comparision for clinical efficiency of continuous adductor canal block and femoral nerve block intotal knee arthroplasty. Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao, Feb 2017, 18;49(1): 142-73 Zhao MW, Tian H, Wang N, etc. Assessment for pain control efficiency of ultrasound guided adductor canal block in total kneearthroplasty: a report of 28 continuous cases. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi, Sep 2016, 20;96(35):2813-174 Zhao MW, Wang L, Zeng L, Hu YQ, Hu JX, Tian H. Effect of Femoral Resection on Coronal Overall Alignment after Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty. Chin Med J (Engl). 2016;129:2535-2539.5 Zhao MW, Tian H, Zeng L, etc. Evaluation and analysis of the tibial coronal alignment after total knee replacement with the extramedullary tibial cutting guided by the tibial tubercle and anterior tibial tendon in Chinese patients. Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao, Apr 2016, 18;48(2)351-56 Zhao MW, Li zj, Zhang k, Evaluation of the efficiency and safety of intravenous tranexamic acid protocol for reducing the hidden blood loss in primary total knee arthroplasty—— A retrospective study of 54 cases , Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research Journal, Aug 2015, Vol.197 Zhao MW, Li zj, Zhang k, Reviewarticle :theefficiencyoftranexamicacidintotalkneearthroplasty, Chin J Joint Surg, April 2014, Vol. 8, No. 2著作与译著译作:《Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Spine》3rd edition, Jeffrey M Spivak, simplified Chinese translation copyright 2013 by Peking University Medical Press: Chapter 15, 25 and 27 《PMMA Cements: Up-to-Date Comparison of Physical and Chemical Properties of Commercial Materials》, Klaus-Dieter Kuhn, Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K; 2nd ed. 2013: Chapter 16
