发表者:王新军 人已读
Patients With Diabetes Lack Knowledge About Hypoglycemia
滨州医学院附属滨州市人民医院 王新军 译
April 14, 2011 (San Diego, California) — A national online survey of more than 2530 adults living with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the United States reveals that many patients remain uneducated about the risks for hypoglycemia. The survey also highlighted why hypoglycemia may be more of a health hazard than previously reported, as patients said they often experience low blood sugar during daily activities such as working and driving. The results of the survey were announced here at the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) 20th Annual Meeting and Clinical Congress.
2011年4月14日(圣地亚哥,加利福尼亚州) - 美国一项关于2530多例成年2型糖尿病患者的全国在线调查显示,很多患者仍未受到低血糖风险的教育。该调查还强调为什么低血糖比以前报告的具有更大的健康危害,因为患者说他们经常在日常和活动如工作和开车时出现低血糖。调查结果在美国临床内分泌学家协会(AACE)第20届年会与临床研讨会上公布。
In the survey, 55% of respondents said they had experienced at least 1 episode of hypoglycemia. Of 702 patients with diabetes who reported hypoglycemia, 42% had experienced low blood sugar symptoms while working, 26% while exercising, and 19% while driving.
在本项调查中,55%的受访者表示自己经历过至少1次低血糖发作。 在702例报告低血糖的糖尿病患者中,42%在工作时曾发生低血糖症状,26%的患者发生在运动时,19%的患者发生在开车时。
The fact that patients with diabetes experience hypoglycemia while working and driving is especially problematic, as these activities require focus and concentration, and experiencing hypoglycemia during driving can be life-threatening, said Etie Moghissi, MD, vice president and president-elect of AACE, and an associate clinical professor of medicine at the University of California–Los Angeles.
糖尿病患者在工作和驾驶时发生低血糖是的事实是一个特别需要关注的问题,因为这些活动需要集中精力,在驾驶时发生低血糖可危及生命,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校临床医学副教授,AACE副主席和候任主席Etie Moghissi博士说。
"Many patients are unable to name the leading causes of hypoglycemia, which is also a great cause for concern," Dr. Moghissi said. Twenty-seven percent of those surveyed did not know that the leading causes of hypoglycemia included skipping meals, and 35% did not know that some diabetic medications may enhance the risk for hypoglycemia. Forty-six percent of patients with type 2 diabetes also remained unaware that excessive exercise may bring on hypoglycemia, particularly when combined with some medications for type 2 diabetes.
“许多患者无法说出低血糖的主要原因,这也是一个需要令人关注主要原因”, Moghissi博士说。27%的受访者不知道低血糖的主要原因包括未进食,35%不知道一些糖尿病药物可能增加低血糖的风险。46%的2型糖尿病患者不知道运动量过大可能会引起低血糖,特别是同时应用某些治疗2型糖尿病的药物时。
Although the study clearly showed that at least half (52%) of the patients surveyed were concerned about experiencing a future episode of hypoglycemia, some did not know that the most common symptoms are dizziness (22%) and shakiness (17%), and 39% incorrectly thought that thirst was the primary symptom of hypoglycemia.
Although hypoglycemia has long been known to be a risk associated with diabetes and its treatment, it often falls under the radar of busy physicians, particularly those in primary care, who may be treating patients for other conditions, Dr. Moghissi noted. Yet hypoglycemia has clear risks, as well as being an expensive burden for the healthcare system. Indeed, the survey showed that 6% of patients who responded to the online survey had to be treated for hypoglycemia in the emergency room.
"The survey shows that it's important to inform patients about the causes, symptoms, and how to address hypoglycemia," Dr. Moghissi said in an interview with Medscape Medical News. To achieve that goal, the American College of Endocrinology recently launched a program called Blood Sugar Basics, an educational program with an interactive Web site that includes fact pages on how patients with diabetes can best manage their blood sugar levels.
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) 20th Annual Meeting and Clinical Congress. To be presented April 15, 2011.
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